
Understand Types of Reset in Microcontrollers

Microcontrollers are the heart of many electronic devices, from simple gadgets to complex embedded systems. One of the critical aspects of their operation is the reset mechanism, which ensures the microcontroller starts correctly and runs reliably. Resetting a microcontroller clears its state and brings it back to a known starting point, allowing the system to recover from errors, glitches, or unintended states. Understanding the types of resets available in microcontrollers can significantly improve the reliability and performance of your system. In this article, we will explore the different types of resets in microcontrollers, their purposes, and how they work.

Why is Resetting Important in Microcontrollers?

Before diving into the types of resets, it’s essential to understand why resets are necessary. A reset can be triggered by various conditions like power-on events, voltage fluctuations, software bugs, or even external signals. When a reset occurs, the microcontroller stops executing the current code and restarts from its initial state, which helps in avoiding undefined behavior or damage to the system. This mechanism acts as a fail-safe to keep the microcontroller in a predictable state, ensuring that it operates correctly even in adverse conditions.

1. Power-On Reset (POR)

Power-On Reset (POR) is one of the most basic and common types of resets in microcontrollers. As the name suggests, POR occurs when the microcontroller is powered on. It initializes the microcontroller by clearing all internal registers, resetting the program counter, and starting the code execution from the beginning. POR ensures that the system starts in a known state every time it is powered up.

During power-on, the voltage gradually rises to its operational level. POR detects when the supply voltage reaches a specific threshold and then triggers the reset sequence. This process is crucial because it prevents the microcontroller from starting in an unstable state, which could lead to erratic behavior.

2. Brown-Out Reset (BOR)

Brown-Out Reset (BOR) protects the microcontroller from operating under low voltage conditions. If the power supply voltage drops below a specific threshold (but not low enough to trigger a complete power-off), BOR activates a reset to prevent malfunction. Operating under low voltage can cause incorrect data processing, memory corruption, and other unpredictable behavior.

BOR continuously monitors the supply voltage and, if it detects a dip below the safe operating range, it resets the microcontroller. This reset ensures that the device does not operate in a potentially dangerous low-voltage state, safeguarding both the microcontroller and the application it controls.

3. Watchdog Timer Reset (WDT Reset)

A Watchdog Timer Reset (WDT Reset) is a safety mechanism designed to reset the microcontroller if it becomes unresponsive or gets stuck in an infinite loop. The watchdog timer continuously counts down and must be regularly reset by the software during normal operation. If the software fails to reset the watchdog timer within the specified time frame, it indicates that the program is not running as expected, and the watchdog triggers a reset.

WDT is particularly useful in critical applications where a microcontroller failure can lead to significant issues. It acts as a self-monitoring system, ensuring that the microcontroller automatically recovers from software malfunctions without human intervention.

4. External Reset

External Reset is triggered by an external signal applied to a specific reset pin on the microcontroller. This type of reset allows external hardware components, like buttons, sensors, or other microcontrollers, to manually reset the device. External reset is often used during development, debugging, or in cases where an external condition must trigger a system restart.

The simplicity of an external reset makes it a versatile tool for manually controlling the microcontroller’s operation, especially when other automated reset mechanisms are insufficient.

5. Software Reset

A Software Reset occurs when a specific command or sequence of commands within the software intentionally triggers a reset. This is typically used when a critical error is detected, or when the software needs to reinitialize the system without any external triggers.

Software resets are useful for rebooting the system when new configurations are applied or when transitioning between different modes of operation. Unlike other resets, a software reset is entirely under the control of the program running on the microcontroller, making it a flexible option for managing system behavior.

6. Low-Voltage Detect (LVD) Reset

Low-Voltage Detect (LVD) Reset is similar to a Brown-Out Reset but usually involves more fine-tuned monitoring of the voltage levels. LVD can detect different voltage thresholds and can trigger a reset or other actions depending on the detected level. This reset type is highly useful in battery-operated devices where voltage fluctuations are common.

LVD ensures that the microcontroller only operates under optimal voltage conditions, helping to prolong the life of both the device and its power source by avoiding operation in risky, low-voltage conditions.

7. Oscillator Failure Reset

An Oscillator Failure Reset occurs when the primary clock oscillator of the microcontroller fails or becomes unstable. The oscillator provides the timing needed for executing instructions, and its failure can halt the operation of the microcontroller.

To safeguard against such failures, microcontrollers are often equipped with backup oscillators or internal mechanisms that detect oscillator failure and trigger a reset. This reset ensures that the microcontroller restarts using a stable clock source, preventing prolonged periods of inoperability.

How to Optimize Microcontroller Resets for Your Application

Choosing the right reset types and configurations can greatly enhance the robustness of your microcontroller-based system. For critical applications, consider combining multiple reset sources like watchdog timers, brown-out resets, and external resets to create a multi-layered safety net. Ensure that voltage thresholds for BOR and LVD are set correctly according to your power supply characteristics, and make use of software resets strategically to manage the application state.


Understanding the different types of resets in microcontrollers is vital for designing reliable and resilient embedded systems. Each reset type serves a specific purpose, from managing power fluctuations with Brown-Out and Low-Voltage Detect Resets to safeguarding against software errors with Watchdog Timer Resets. By strategically implementing these resets, you can ensure your microcontroller operates safely and efficiently, even in the most demanding environments.

Leveraging these reset mechanisms not only improves the performance of your microcontroller but also enhances the overall stability and security of your applications. With the right reset strategy, you can confidently deploy microcontroller-based systems that meet the high standards of reliability required in today’s technological landscape.

By Abdul Rehman

My name is Abdul Rehman and I love to do Reasearch in Embedded Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision and Engineering related fields. With 10+ years of experience in Research and Development field in Embedded systems I touched lot of technologies including Web development, and Mobile Application development. Now with the help of Social Presence, I like to share my knowledge and to document everything I learned and still learning.

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