8051-8052 Assembly Language Examples

8051 Assembly Frequency Counter Example

Today we are going to make a very simple 8051 Assembly code for a frequency counter example. We are going to make the example very simple and to the point just the way we normally do in our previous examples. Today’s focus is to demonstrate the very simple frequency counting algorithm implementation in 8051 assembly […]


FPGA VHDL 7 Segment Multiplexing

Toady we are going to explain how to do time division multiple in VHDL language. This project will display a simple method to do the 7 segment multiplexing in VHDL language for Nexys 3 FPGA development board. To further understand the code you may want to look into our previous FPGA LED blinking example, where […]

TIVA Launch Pad

Tiva C UART Example: Using on Board USB Virtual COM

Let’s learn to use Tiva C UART to interface with devices which uses the UART interface. Like HC-05 bluetooth module. Although if we are going to use the HC05 bluetooth module, we have to use different pins but we are going to focus only onboard usb connecter which is attached with UART0. Tiva C TM4C123 […]


Leaf Disease detection using image processing OpenCV Python

Leaf disease detection using image processing, OpenCV, and Python is a non-invasive and efficient way to detect the diseases in the plant. There are some benefits for this First, it is much faster, allowing farmers to inspect large fields of crops quickly and easily. Second, it is more accurate, as algorithms can be trained to […]

Arduino Examples

How to Read N Number of Bytes from Serial Port in Arduino?

In this post we are going to demonstrate how to read “N” number of bytes from Serial port in Arduino. This is very common problem where we are only focusing on specific number of bytes which are being transmitted from different sensor or even from different microcontroller board. For example in my current case I […]


How to upload file in Flask Python

To upload file in flask python is very important. Even if we are trying to upload the profile image with even very basic profile management task with flask. Or we are trying to create an e-commerce website with flask python and need to upload product images. We always need to implement file uploading method if […]

Raspberry PI

Raspberry PI GPIO as Input in Python

We had mentioned using Raspberry PI GPIO as output in our previous post. Today we will talk about using Raspberry PI GPIO as input. We will try to read input from pushbuttons. We had connected pushbuttons as the Active Low state. Mean the pushbutton will remain in the Active High state unless we press any […]


Getting Started with Raspberry PI GPIO

After successfully installing raspbianĀ into Raspberry PI, the first thing which comes into the mind of the embedded developer is to play with Raspberry PI GPIO. Because the very best advantage of this cheap computer is to use with external hardware through its GPIO. We are going to explain how to play with Rasberry PI GPIO’s […]

Microchip PIC16

Introduction to Timer0 of PIC16F

Timer0 of pic16f is popular and very basic for creating short delays or… for creating small timing pulses. It is an 8bit timer with high priority interrupt. Which makes it perfect for creating time-critical applications like frequency counter, some industrial timing control system or any medical or industrial grade application.