
PWM in Arduino

Arduino Nano is a very good machine when it comes down to multitasking automation tasks. For many industrial designers, PWM is their main criterion when looking for a suitable automation platform. PWM stands for “Pulse width modulation”, which simply means that it is a type of signal that contains a range of possible frequencies. PWM in Arduino is also a good alternative when considering the amount of available digital and analogue inputs on your target device. However, PWM on Arduino can only be used for low-frequency automation tasks, and if you need the best of both worlds, then you will have to use PWM on Arduino with high-frequency output controls.

PWM in Arduino is probably the easiest method to create a PWM signal, and thanks to a large number of available PWM libraries in the market, most of them are actually very easy to use. Some libraries may require some technical knowledge, but for most of them, it is quite straightforward. PWM in Arduino can be configured in several different ways: using software PWM or by configuring it from the hardware PWM source. Both methods produce very similar PWM signals, and there is not much difference between them.

Many people who work on highly-functional and complex robotic projects are already aware of what PWM is all about, but they still don’t know exactly how to use it. Fortunately, PWM in Arduino has a number of built-in libraries that make it very easy to program PWM timers and other types of timers. Libraries such as Arduino libraries for timers and libraries for digital input devices will make it very easy to get started. Some examples of PWM in Arduino include analogue read/set timers, light sensor timers, digital sound timers, and PWM heartbeat timers. By default, the Arduino IDE provides support for PWM functions, so if you want to use a PWM based signal, you may directly use the “analogWrite” function or need to install an additional PWM library.

Arduino PWM Code

Here is the simplest Arduino PWM code to generate the PWM signal on Arduino UNO. We are using digital pin 9 of Arduino UNO for generating the PWM Signal. Here is the basic code

void setup(){


void loop(){

}Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

By Abdul Rehman

My name is Abdul Rehman and I love to do Reasearch in Embedded Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision and Engineering related fields. With 10+ years of experience in Research and Development field in Embedded systems I touched lot of technologies including Web development, and Mobile Application development. Now with the help of Social Presence, I like to share my knowledge and to document everything I learned and still learning.

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