Today we will try to learn the STM32 Input Capture Mode with the simplest code example to learn how to use STM32 Input Capture Mode? Before we dive into today’s tutorial you may want to check out our previous STM32 tutorials. For today’s example, I’ll connect a push button to one of the timers on […]
Category: STM32

While getting started with STM32 most people choose Keil MDK for their development options. Which is fine. Although, the new STM32CubeIDE is completely free from the ST itself. But some people still find it confusing and wanted to stick with Keil uVision. Today, I am going to cover how to create a new project in […]

Delay using Systick Timer LED blinking with Sleep
STM32 DMA ADC Example

Today we are going to read the ADC with the help of DMA module in STM32F4 discovery board. If you had seen our previous STM32 post series, you may had remember that in one of our previous post we shows how to read the adc in timer trigger mode. In today’s tutorial our main focus […]

Using STM32 ADC with Timer Trigger option it helps us to control the sampling time of the ADC. It also becomes important when we need to sample Audio or while making some waveform analysis options. In this tutorial we are going to extend our previous STM32 ADC+USART example, where we implemented the ADC basic single […]