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How to Setup Shadcn UI in Next.js 14 Quick and Easy Guide

This article will explain the integration of Shadcn-UI with your Next.js 14 Project. Integrating ShadCN-UI with Next.js can streamline your development process, offering a blend of flexibility and power. This guide will walk you through the steps to set up, configure, and optimize your Next.js project with ShadCN-UI, ensuring a smooth workflow and a clean […]

Next js

Nextjs 14 API routes for QR code decoding

Today I am going to tackle a very simple problem of QR code decoding with Next.js 14 API routes example program. We will create a very simple API route for QR code decoding. We are using the jsQR library. As with the new app router support in the Next.js, now the API routes are written […]

Examples Next js

How to Create API Routes in Next.js 14

Next.js 14 got some cool stuff like the app router which makes it very different of creating API routes. Although you can use the same old convention but due to the new Server actions, this is going to change forever. This feature was originally introduced from the Next.js 13 and was introduces as an experimental […]

Examples MERN Stack Next js React-js

Built your own React Pagination System

Do you ever wonder why do we need to build a custom react pagination System? Or while setting up the project why we do we need a to setup a react pagination component as well? Or How do I use custom pagination system in react JS? We are going to answer these questions in this […]

Next js

Next Auth Credentials Provider JWT using Next.js and TypeScript

Let’s dive into integrating the Next Auth Credentials Provider with JWT, leveraging TypeScript support for a Next.js 14 example. 🚀 We’ll explore NextAuth.js JWT, Next-Auth Secrets, and Next Auth credentials provider – and more! Ready to explore these aspects and beyond? Let’s kick things off with a fundamental introduction to Next.js and Next-Auth.js. Next.js, a […]