Android Firebase Kotlin

Firebase Data Logging Android App with Custom ListView Adapter in Kotlin

This blog post explains the creation of an Android application for data logging on Firebase Realtime Database. This could be used for logging and managing various types of embedded systems sensors readings on Firebase Real time Database with timestamps. We developed this application in Kotlin. The application enables users to sign in and view real-time […]

Firebase Kotlin

Read data from Firebase Realtime database android Kotlin

Reading data in android Kotlin from Firebase Realtime database, is a very important task while creating IoT system with the help of Firebase. Today, we will discuss the simple reading methods from Firebase Realtime database in Kotlin. We normally need to wait for data change in some variable on the database. Here are some ways […]

Android Kotlin

HC-05 Bluetooth Integration with Android Kotlin

Interfacing hc-05 bluetooth module with Android Application is one of the very basic task. Whenever we need to communicate with our Arduino based devices or any other embedded system project where we need to control devices with bluetooth. Bluetooth modules are one of the very important and basic wireless communication protocol which we can easily […]

Android Kotlin

Android Kotlin Course Outline for beginners

Here is expected Course Outline for Android development in Kotlin language for beginners. You can follow the learning path of Android development in the following order and could achieve the learning goals of android development in less time with more productive way. Here’s a suggested course outline for a free Android Kotlin course:

Kotlin Android

Android Network Call using Kotlin coroutines

Kotlin coroutines makes network calls much easier. Specially all the async await like programming. Basically the biggest candidate before the coroutines were the asyncTask in Android. But thanks to the Kotlin coroutines we can easily do that task in much simpler way. In this example we are going to fetch a simple URL feed with […]

Android Kotlin

Firebase made easy in Kotlin

Today we are going to deal with Firebase Real-time database in Kotlin. If you did not already know how to add firebase to your android project you may follow instructions on official Firebase Setup Guide. But the easiest way is to add firebase with the help of Android Studio. You may choose any method that […]

Tutorials Android Kotlin

Rest API Client in Android using Volley and Gson

Making Http Request in android is very common when it comes to create a Restful API Client Application. Because this is a network call so it is very common that this task is kind of blocking call. When the API becomes more complex like when it needs to authenticate via OAuth2.0 or something, then the […]

Tutorials Android Examples Kotlin

Anko SQLite android Kotlin example

If you have ever programmed any application that requires database, and you came up with solution to use SQLite then you may already be familiar as how much pain it is to use and properly configure SQLite in Android. Anko provides a better way to do this complex task in a very simpler way. Import Gradle First […]

Android Kotlin Tutorials

For Loop in Kotlin

Iterating through collection of items are very common problem in any programming language. But when it comes to latest modern programming languages like Kotlin, this task became more fancy and more options become handy to do different type of iterations. Today we are going to take a deeper look into different version of for loops […]