Book Recommendations

Top-Rated Books for Mastering Embedded System Programming

Here is the compiled list of books which you should read to master the Embedded system Programming. Embedded systems programming is not easy perk to enjoy in ride. This is a roller coaster journey. The one new in the field and trying to adapt the Embedded System Programming as their full-time job should focus on consulting the authentic sources to not waste their time. Embedded System is least evolving field in the entire tech industry. Although the number of new microcontrollers and Single board computers being introduced in the market are increasing but this field is based on trust and authenticity. Which means once you learned how to program the embedded systems the information is not going to get old sooner.

I remember first time when I started to learn the embedded system programming, I started my journey with 8051 microcontrollers in Assembly language. You can even check my first hello world program in 8051 which I posted in my early days of blogging. This post is still ranking well in Google and driving traffic to my blog. Which means the content of Embedded System never get outdated. Even if you learned the assembly language it is still being used and you may also could get reason to program again in that for some performance issue which your upcoming high-level language-based firmware may be causing in one of your most selling products.

It is always best to consult the best books in the market for learning the resources rather than just focusing on Google and learning from different blog posts. In this post I compiled the list of bestselling books to learn the Embedded Systems programming.

  • Embedded Systems: A Comprehensive Guide for Engineers and Scientists by Jonathan W. Valvano
  • Embedded Systems: Real-Time Systems, Microcontrollers, and RTOS by Wayne Wolf
  • Making Embedded Systems: Design Patterns for Great Software by Elecia White
  • Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers in Assembly Language and C by Yifeng Zhu
  • Embedded Systems Architecture: A Unified Approach by Tammy Noergaard
  • The Art of Designing Embedded Systems by Jack Ganssle
  • Programming Embedded Systems in C and C++ by Michael Barr
  • Embedded Systems: Introduction to Arm® Cortexâ„¢-M Microcontrollers by Joseph Yiu
  • Embedded Systems: Hardware, Software, and Interfacing by David E. Simon
  • Embedded Linux Primer by Christopher Hallinan
  • Fundamentals of Embedded Systems: Design and Implementation by William James
  • Real-Time Programming for Embedded Systems by James W. Stewart
  • Embedded Systems: A Hands-On Approach by David E. Simon
  • Embedded Systems: A Contemporary Approach by K.V. Shibu
  • Arm System Developer’s Guide by Andrew N. Sloss, Dominic Symes, and Chris Wright
  • Embedded Systems: Designing with Microcontrollers and FPGAs by Zdravko Nikolov
  • Embedded Systems: A Comprehensive Guide to Real-Time Programming by Raj Kamal
  • Embedded Systems: Building Blocks for the Internet of Things by Qing Li, Qin Wang, and Wei Han
  • Embedded Systems: Real-Time Programming and Operating Systems by James W. Stewart
  • Embedded Systems: Security, Reliability, and Safety by Dominic Sweetman
  • Embedded Systems: Hardware and Software Design by David E. Simon and Michael L. Mazer
  • Embedded Systems: A Hardware-Software Co-Design Approach by Rajeshwari B. and Ramachandran S.
  • Embedded Systems: A Practical Guide by David E. Simon

These books cover a wide range of topics related to embedded systems programming, including hardware, software, real-time systems, security, and reliability. They are written by experts in the field and are highly regarded by both beginners and experienced embedded systems developers.

If you are new to embedded programming, I recommend starting with the book Embedded Systems: A Comprehensive Guide for Engineers and Scientists by Jonathan W. Valvano. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to all aspects of embedded systems design and development. It is well-written and easy to follow, and it includes a number of hands-on projects that will help you to learn and apply the concepts that you are learning.

Once you have a good understanding of the basics of embedded systems, you can then choose to specialize in a particular area, such as real-time systems, microcontroller programming, or embedded Linux. There are many excellent books available on each of these topics, and I recommend that you do some research to find the books that are right for you.

I will keep updating this list as soon as I get back to it. You should subscribe or follow me on social media to let you updated.

By Abdul Rehman

My name is Abdul Rehman and I love to do Reasearch in Embedded Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision and Engineering related fields. With 10+ years of experience in Research and Development field in Embedded systems I touched lot of technologies including Web development, and Mobile Application development. Now with the help of Social Presence, I like to share my knowledge and to document everything I learned and still learning.

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