Kotlin Android

Android Network Call using Kotlin coroutines

Kotlin coroutines makes network calls much easier. Specially all the async await like programming. Basically the biggest candidate before the coroutines were the asyncTask in Android. But thanks to the Kotlin coroutines we can easily do that task in much simpler way. In this example we are going to fetch a simple URL feed with […]

Arduino Tutorials

Arduino 4 digit 7 segment multiplexing on Atmega8 using Timer 2 Interrupt

Here is the code to multiplex 4 digit 7 segment on Atmega8 using Timer 2 Interrupt. This code witll display digits array on seven segments. In our case we used 3024 to display on 7 segments.


FPGA LED blinking Example

Led blinking example is considered a hello world program for any Hardware based softwares. So today we are going to blink the LED in my Nexys 3 Board. This example will serve the both examples, VHDL as well as Verilog. First of all we will look for the VHDL example. VHDL LED blinking Code Here […]


STM32 ADC Timer Trigger Example from scratch

Using STM32 ADC with Timer Trigger option it helps us to control the sampling time of the ADC. It also becomes important when we need to sample Audio or while making some waveform analysis options. In this tutorial we are going to extend our previous STM32 ADC+USART example, where we implemented the ADC basic single […]


STM32F4 Discovery Board ADC + Usart

In this post we are going to read ADC1 channel 10 on GPIO PC0 on STM32F4 Discovery board. First of all we will set the Clock PLL to run the discovery board on full speed with 168Mhz frequency. Later we initialize the USART with the baudrate of 230400 Kbps and finally we initialize the ADC […]

Android Flutter

Flutter Navigation and Routes for Switching Screens

If you had done Android development before, you may be very well aware of the concept of the Activities and switching between activitis. Or passing data using bundles between activities. But when it comes to the Flutter we don’t talk about the activities anymore. Because of the more web friendly development, Flutter also call its […]


Arduino 4 digit 7 segment Non Multiplexed Display using Shift Register

Welcome in another Arduino tutorial. Today we are going to explain how to interface 4 digit 7 segment display using shift register 4094. We used CD4094 shift register for interfacing but the technique is same and you can choose any other shift register of your choice like 74HC595 etc as well. Also the code written […]

PHP Examples MySQL

Simple Login System using PHP and MySQL

Today we are going to create a simple login page using PHP and MySQL. Login Systems are very first and basic needs when it comes to website development due to the large user-base. For any new developer it seems a trivial task to create a very basic but somehow secure login system. That is the […]

OpenCV-Python Examples

SSDLite + MobileNet Object Detection with OpenCV DNN

I recently find out that OpenCV have Deep Neural Network module which is purely CPU based and no GPU required. So I thought to give it a try. I searched online and come up with this Real time Object detection on Raspberry PI tutorial Which further remove my doubts on the DNN’s biggest nightmare of […]

OpenCV-Python Computer Vision Examples Image Processing Python

Real Time Contours Detection findcontours OpenCV Python

In this tutorial we are going to learn the usage of findcontours and drawcontours functions in OpenCV Python. We will create code for doing this in real time using Webcam. This code will help you in further image processing and computer vision projects where finding contours or Objects be the first task before doing any […]